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And it’s exactly these people who fall for an ad that promises

 And it’s exactly these people who fall for an ad that promises them that if they just spend $4,997 and buy someone’s “program” that they can follow “step-by-step” they’ll “get rich” overnight and well, surprise surprise… It doesn’t work! And when it doesn’t work, guess what these people say? 1. That “business” just wasn’t the “right one.” 2. That “businesses” are a “scam” because only some people get “lucky” at “finding a way to make money.” Well, let me tell you now: businesses aren’t “luck.” In fact, I’ll tell you exactly what a “business” is now. It’s when you: 1. Find or create great products to sell. 2. Put those products in front of the right people. 3. Give those people a great reason to buy. That’s it! No “secret tricks” here. It comes down to learning these 3 skills. And do you know why 90% of people’s businesses “fail”? It’s because most people are lazy. They want tricks. They aren’t willing to dedicate themselves to learning these 3 skills. And so 90% of people give up before they learn them. Not because of “luck.”

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